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Relax, enjoy peaceful sounds (white noise, rain, ocean) you may even go to sleep.

The first line of William Congreve's play Almeria is "Music has charms to soothe a savage breast."  So is this true?  For some maybe, for others maybe not.  Fortunately, there are a number of websites that will help to soothe the mind with pleasant ambient noise.  Listen to these while at work, school or on the bus.  Your day may be a little better.

Mix your own noise
Typing / Coffee bistro
Noise (white, pink, brown) take your pick
Rain / Thunderstorm
Outside / Ambient / Various Outdoors 
Listen to Wikipedia changes
Mood Music / Feelings
Color Therapy - No noise
Streaming Radio
Are there any other websites that belong here?  Add them to the comment box below.

1 comment:

  1. Relax, enjoy peaceful sounds (white noise, rain, ocean) you may even go to sleep. It is too impressive post I read yet. I like your effort you did.

    Sound healing
